Comune di Lenna

The short section in the municipality of Lenna utilises the cycle/pedestrian path at the bottom of the valley, because there are no other practical alternatives. There is in fact a track further up the slopes, running from the Cortinovis Carpentry Shop to the Stralenna Fountain at the entrance to the Brembo Valley at Mezzoldo, but this would exclude the route through the old centre of Piazza Brembana, which is important in the Priula Way’s historical development. Therefore, both the tourist and hiking routes follow the cycle-pedestrian path up to the village of Lenna, including the section on the left bank of the river Brembo. Then the routes enter Piazza Brembana by means of the Via San Martino steps.

Tracciato Storico

“The road ran flat and easy along the Scalvino plains until it reached the village of Lenna across a bridge that was widened by the Austrians in the 19th century. The road then climbed up a steep ramp to the church of San Martino in Piazza Brembana, after passing under a portico that has now been demolished; this ramp has survived over the years, and today it has been transformed into a pedestrian flight of steps connecting Piazza Brembana to Lenna.”

Itinerario escursionistico

Difficoltà: Turistico
Lunghezza percorso: 3650m
Dislivello: 80m
Tempo di percorrenza: 1 ora
Note: Connessioni con trasporto pubblico: Lenna.
Ricettività: agriturismo Ferdy, bar e alimentari a Lenna.

Ponte delle Capre sul Brembo a Piani di Scalvino

(Goats’ Bridge) over the river Brembo at Piani di Scalvino. Documentation shows that it was already in existence in the late 17th century, with a single wide arch. It is 1.5 metres wide, with cobblestone paving. Damaged by the 1987 flood, it has been partially restored.


Viadotto ex-ferrovia della Valle Brembana

Disused viaduct for the Valle Brembana railway in Lenna. Almost 120 metres long, it is another notable piece of engineering on the former railway. It crosses the river Brembo at Olmo with eight round arches. It was part of the extension of the railway from San Giovanni Bianco to Moio de’ Calvi, which came into service in 1926.


Nucleo storico ed edifici di Lenna

Disused viaduct for the Valle Brembana railway in Lenna. Almost 120 metres long, it is another notable piece of engineering on the former railway. It crosses the river Brembo at Olmo with eight round arches. It was part of the extension of the railway from San Giovanni Bianco to Moio de’ Calvi, which came into service in 1926.


PLIS del Brembo e dei Cantoni

The Brembo and Cantoni di Lenna Park, PLIS (Parchi Locali di Interesse Sovracomunale, Local Parks of Pan-Municipal Interest). Established in 2002, extending for 200 hectares in the municipality of Lenna, this local park is set alongside the Parco delle Orobie Bergamasche (Park of the Bergamo Orobie Alps). It includes two different micro-climatic areas: a milder climate on the south-facing side, where the largest village, Scalvino, is situated, and a cooler climate. This has created diversity in the types of vegetation, and has affected the location of human settlements. As a result of the notable presence of karst geology in the high mountains surrounding the valley, the area is distinctive for the multiple springs that create unique habitats for endemic fauna and flora.