The Taverna Road is a mule track that ascends the ridge separating the Val Brembilla and Val Brembana valleys, on the boundary line between the municipalities of Val Brembilla and Zogno. A number of sources mention it as an “ancient” road, whose original name was Strada Meneghina (Meneghina Road) because of a settlement with this name on the route. It starts near the Sedrina bridges and the historic Ponte Cappello bridge, at the mouth of the Brembilla Valley. It climbs steeply, reaching and running through several small rural settlements, gaining altitude until it arrives at the meadowy slopes of Castignola and the hamlet of Catremerio. With the name of Taverna Road, it runs as far as the Forcella di Crosnello (Crosnello saddle) further up. After that, the route reaches the Sussia hamlets on the slopes and then it branches in various directions, either descending towards San Pellegrino or heading to the mountain pastures around Monte Sornadello or to the Mercante del Ferro Pass, whose name (Iron Merchant) recalls the transport of ore from the Valtorta mines. Several questions still remain regarding the origins, dating and destinations of this communication route, whose importance is underlined by the indisputable value of its structural elements, particularly in the first section of the route, up to Castignola. The route is signed as CAI path n° 592.